
Meet Claire – our Inna Spirit member of the month for April.  Motivated by challenging her body, embracing mindful movement, and honouring her self-care.  Claire has been a member of Inna Essence since our infancy, and is an active participant in all types of classes.  She is passionate about education, life-long learning and being open and embracing to new experiences.

When and why did you join Inna Essence?

I joined when you opened back in 2019; I really love Pilates and yoga, and I love what Inna Essence stands for.  The idea that this is a space for you to be you and to give to yourself. I think I always knew that self care isn’t selfish; and I love that this is something that Inna Essence really embraces .  Everyone is really lovely; everyone connects with each other and shares the same positive vibe.  All the instructors have beautiful energy; it is really something very special.   There is nothing cheesy about this studio, nothing niche, it’s all real and authentic.

What do you love most about the studio?

I love everything, I loved it when it was in its infancy, I loved how raw it was when the studio first started. And I now love how it’s grown into this space, and invites people to grow into this space along with it.  There is a warmth you feel; that it’s really safe here. The different ages of men and women, culture, experiences, it’s just a beautiful space where people can be who they are.

What are you passionate about?

Education is my passion; lifelong learning is important, no matter what that is.  Learning new things, interacting with people, exploring and encouraging other people to explore and to spread their wings and learn something new.

What is your favourite class at Inna Essence and why?

I don’t think I have a favourite; they all give me something different.  I love reformer, but I equally love being challenged by Liam’s Active Yoga class; to be challenged in a different way.  I’ve found great joy in the challenge of doing private Pilates sessions; to take exercises to the next level.  I’ll often put work meetings back late on a Thursday morning so I can attend Marilyn’s Thursday morning Rise and Shine class.  

What are some ways that you look after your self-care and wellbeing?

Obviously coming here; also I walk the dog daily, probably more her selfcare than mine!  When I’m really looking after myself, it’s probably recognising the moments when I need to say no to some things. I’m trying this year to be better with my sleep and drinking lots of water.  I try and mix things up with movement and go off on a hike every now and then.  

Words of advice for someone wanting to try Pilates?

“Just do It!”  Start small.  In the beginning, I didn’t think I could do yoga, I was just doing Pilates Reformer and didn’t think I was capable of doing Mat Pilates.  Then I thought, “I’m just going to give that a go!”  And I feel Inna Essence is the place to try something new; you don’t need to be fearful. 

Don’t look at Instagram; don’t look at the person whose been doing something for years; that person might be the one to guide you through a class and teach you.  It’s not a competition with other attendees; look at it as a challenge with yourself, not with others.  Don’t compare yourself, just be gentle. 

Inna Spirit Member Claire