
Meet Nicole, our Inna Spirit Member of the Month for April! A wife, mother, and busy professional working at a university, Nicole found herself juggling multiple responsibilities and struggling to prioritize exercise in her busy schedule. 

Sound familiar?

It took one step—Nicole’s visit to Inna Essence at an Open Day—that changed everything. She realized that attending Pilates and Yoga classes was not only possible but enjoyable. Now, Nicole is surprised that exercise never feels like a chore, thanks to the motivating classes and positive, encouraging instructors at Inna Essence.


What challenges or goals brought you to Inna Essence?

“For me, I was always too busy and a bit of a procrastinator. But I started noticing aches, pains, and recurring injuries, and I knew I needed to improve my core strength and overall fitness. My sister recommended Pilates, and when I saw Inna Essence’s Open Day, I decided to give it a try.”

Nicole works at Griffith University in DNA sequencing, which involves a lot of time at the bench and sitting at a computer. While she tried going to the gym with her husband, Nicole found it boring and realized she needed a group activity to stay motivated. 

“Having an instructor guide me and ensure I’m in the right position is invaluable. Over the last 9 months, I’ve noticed significant improvements; I used to constantly hurt my elbow, but strengthening around the joints has made a big difference.”


What is it about Pilates and Yoga that motivates you? How have our classes and services been helping you on your wellness journey?

“The group aspect is important to me; it’s a great environment where everyone is encouraging and has the same goal. The instructors are supportive, cheerful, and always keep me motivated. Booking a class and showing up makes me feel great that I’m prioritizing my well-being.”

As a mother of two adult children, Nicole hadn’t done much for herself, but exercise has now become an essential part of her routine. 

“Since starting classes, I feel more positive and get better sleep.”


What do you love most about the studio? What is your favorite class?

“I love being part of a community where all the instructors are fantastic. It’s hard to put into words how important that sense of community is.”

“My favorite class is Mat Pilates on Saturdays—not just because I come with my husband, but because it’s a different challenge from Reformer classes. Starting with Intro Reformer classes helped build my confidence, and now I enjoy the variety and challenge of Mat Pilates.”


What was one unexpected benefit of joining Inna Essence?

“One unexpected benefit is how easy it is to come to class. Even on days when I finish work late, I still make it to class, and I’m always glad I did. Exercise has become an enjoyable part of my routine, and I no longer have to force myself to do it.”

Nicole’s journey at Inna Essence is a testament to the transformative power of Pilates and Yoga, proving that with dedication and support, anyone can achieve their wellness goals.

Nicole H - Inna Spirit member of the month