
Meet Kaila, a Nurse Educator passionate about exercise, movement and nutrition for longevity and quality of life.  She is a wonderful example of Inna Spirit, participating in as many different classes as she can, challenging her body to move in different ways, yet still feel safe and supported by our team of instructors.


What challenges or goals brought you to Inna Essence?

“My main goal was to find a new studio or instructor as my usual yoga teacher was going on Maternity Leave.  I was surprised to experience an increased sense of improved strength when I started coming to Inna Essence.”

Kaila goes on to say that she’s feeling stronger and stronger and is really loving the feeling within her body and mind.  Prior to joining Inna Essence, Kaila was always active, involved in dance and Yoga.  As a Nurse Educator, her days at work can vary from lots of sitting and office work, to incredibly active and constantly on her feet working on the wards. 

“I am annoyingly restricted by my work schedule, so I attend classes usually early in the morning on my way to work.  I am very much enjoying the Jumpboard Reformer, I’ll give anything a go – even though it can feel a little nerve-wracking at first.  Inna Essence provides so many different class options, so it’s easy to try something new!” 

Kaila feels it’s great to give her body variety and to learn from different teachers and instructors; she feels she experiences something different from each instructor. 


What is it about Pilates and Yoga that motivates you? How have our classes and services been helping you on your wellness journey?

“Our bodies are going to be with us for a long time; we need to look after our health now so that we can be in the best position to enjoy a fulfilling life with the best quality we can manage.  With my occupation, I’m working with and caring for individuals whose lives are significantly impacted by ill-health and frailty.  I place a priority on exercise, my health and wellness so I can do my best to stay out of the health care system and live longer with a great quality of life.”

Work for Kaila can be extremely busy and stressful, and she has found classes at Inna Essence have helped her regulate her stress levels and stay centred at work.


What do you love most about the studio? What is your favourite class?

For Kaila, the first aspect of the studio which resonated with her was our mantra on the front door; ‘You are Important, Respected, Encouraged and Loved here.’ 

“It was the first thing which hit me, and then it continued as I took a step through the studio door.  I could see Inna Essence supporting local businesses, the studio spaces were welcoming, all the equipment.  It just kept getting better.”

When asked, what is your favourite class?  “I love Jumpboard, it’s fun and I feel like a ballerina.  As adults, we need so spend more time jumping, doing cartwheels and moving in fun and childlike ways.  We spend too much time worrying about how we look to others.”


What was one unexpected benefit?

“Things in my day to day life feel easier. I feel stronger, and capable and I trust in my body more.  Before, I would avoid doing certain things in case my hip would flare up – but I haven’t thought about it recently.  I can depend on my body.”


Inna Essence will be making a donation towards a charity of Kaila’s choice to thank her for being such an incredible part of our studio community:  

Kaila volunteers for Oz Havest, and would appreciate a donation to the work they do in our community.

Kaila feels passionately about education around eating fresh produce and avoiding processed foods, sustainability in our food production and waste management.

Kaila Inna Spirit Member of the Month for December at Inna Essence