
Meet Lea – our Inna Spirit member of the month for August.

She welcomes every new visitor she sees at the studio, will help show them where the props are, and introduces all the other members of the class.  She goes above and beyond to help our team carry heavy water bottles upstairs, and is always positive and ready for a challenge.  Congratulations to Lea Reynolds, our Inna Spirit Member of the Month for August!

When and why did you join Inna Essence?

I started when the studio was in Sports Drive, as I used to do Yoga before having children.  I initially started doing Yoga classes at Inna Essence, but then noticed the range of other sessions which were available; Barre, Dance Barre and HIIT Pilates.  I was looking for to do something for myself after having my two daughters, and also wanted something to do outside my normal routine; plus I find group exercise is really motivating.

What do you love most about the studio?

I feel everyone is welcoming and friendly.  Everyone is happy and likes coming, we all suffer through the pain together in class, but feel empowered afterwards.  The members struggle through the class together, but there’s no comparison and all the members enjoy being here.

What are you passionate about?

I’m really passionate about educating myself, my family and others about the importance of recycling.  I recently won a scholarship for a Certificate III in Packaging with the Australian Institute of Packaging; my application was up against Packaging Engineers and Technicians, and I was awarded the scholarship so I can continue my work to help motivate people to recycle and bring about awareness of how critical our behaviours now will impact on the environment our children will inherit.  

What is your favourite class at Inna Essence and why?

I love Dance Barre – both Emma’s and Renee’s classes are structured very differently.  I love Renee’s classes with all the stretching elements.  The sessions I’m drawn to involve more movement; as I spend most of my working hours sitting.  I love the fitness aspect and getting my steps up during the Dance Barre and HIIT Pilates classes.  

What are some ways that you look after your self-care and wellbeing?

I try and eat well, and ensure my family do too.  My husband is Coeliac, and I have two young daughters, so my aim is to keep a healthy and happy balanced lifestyle.

Words of advice for someone wanting to try Pilates?

Inna Essence is welcoming and supportive.  You have no need to worry, just stick to your limits.

Inna Spirit Member Lea