
This course is for you if you’ve always wanted to ‘do’ yoga but don’t want to walk into a class because you feel you don’t know what you’re doing, or think you’re not flexible enough!

This six week course is $115 and also includes one Yoga class per week with us in the studio.

Commencing 11th August 2.30pm to 3.30pm for six consecutive Sundays.

This course is designed specifically to take you through the most common poses, with safe alignment for your body. It is aimed to empower you to know what is right for your body and to feel comfortable in any class, in any studio.

This course is also ideal if you already have a yoga practice and would like to brush up on your skills and deepen your practice.

Course Overview

Week 1
Yoga Etiquette, Primary Foundation, Breath & Standing Poses

Week 2
Standing Poses cont’d & Namaskars

Week 3
Forward Bends & Full Surya Namaskar

Week 4
Hip & Back Openers

Week 5
Twists & Meditation

Week 6
Summary / Recap / Practice